With the adoption of digital technologies in dental offices, Teeth Tech Lab is revolutionizing the aligners workflow. Our efficient processes and high-strength materials improve patients' experiences and outcomes. Clear aligner therapy meets the increasing aesthetic needs of patients.

My Background

2010 - Present


2005 - 2010

open palm with syringe floating above
open palm with syringe floating above
a bowl of food sitting on top of a table
a bowl of food sitting on top of a table

2000 - 2005


Aligner Workflow

Revolutionary process for aligner production

person writing on white paper
person writing on white paper
man in black jacket holding black smartphone
man in black jacket holding black smartphone

Advanced 3D printing technology for aligners

a doctor checking a patient
a doctor checking a patient

Efficient intraoral and face scanning solutions

open palm with syringe floating above
open palm with syringe floating above

Cone-beam computed tomography for accurate diagnosis

person holding black iphone 4
person holding black iphone 4
open palm with syringe floating above
open palm with syringe floating above

Software for computer 3D ortho setup


Innovative 3D printers for aligner production

open palm with syringe floating above
open palm with syringe floating above

High-strength materials for durable aligners